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A well-known meme that is very distorted


image text translation

UMarine Traniny Maanwhile inRussia
If I’m being serious about this verse, it’s a bit distorted.
The tree the American soldiers on the left are holding is an oak tree, the largest of them all.
This tree is called an oak tree, and as the name suggests, it is large.
It is a very heavy tree due to its size and mass, but when cut down, it even absorbs water.
It gets heavier, so that’s why it’s used a lot for training purposes.
On the other hand, the tree that Lady Russia on the right is holding is an oak tree.
Actually, there is something I overlooked.
American soldiers have those wooden knees
I’ve been in a state where I’ve done everything several times.
So of course it is bound to be difficult.
On the other hand, that Russian woman
He came down from the mountain holding that wooden knee.


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