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Saturday Debate) Episode 1 Highlights -1


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Boyoim-myeon Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
Oh Moo-hyeon Foundation f
An explosion called meteorite fever
Selling of Korean Won assets begins
Credit rating downgraded
The road to economic collapse

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I’m on a staff, Joo-hee Jeong
Falling on the Korean economy
4&B Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
It’s a very dangerous situation.

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Jeong Chun-hee
One is that domestic consumption has already begun to shrink.
Jeong Chun-hee
It can also be seen as an indicator that it began to shrink rapidly after the enforcement of the ruling order.
Jeong Chun-hee
And the problem of rookie status is not something that becomes apparent right away.
Jeong Chun-hee
I thought external agencies were now watching.
Jeong Chun-hee
I thought external agencies were now watching.

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Jeong Hee-ui
Written by Ron Ron
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
uh? Are you going to say that there is no referral now?

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Jeong Hee-ui
Written by Ron Ron
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&i Condolences Roh Moo-hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Jeong Chun-hee
Probably, the store’s monthly probability is very high now.

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Boyo-ipmyeon Jeong Jo-hee’s
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&i Condolences Roh Moo-hyun Foundation
Meteorite-an explosion

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Jeong Chun-hee
I think this will probably be revealed through other indicators in the near future.
Jeong Chun-hee
Speaking of domestic demand, another economic newspaper talked about this.

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Boyoim-myeon Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&i Condolences Roh Moo-hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
phi gus;s
[in Editorial] City center rally to give cold water to the frozen year-end games

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Boyo-ipmyeon Jeong Jo-hee’s
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
Meteorite-an explosion
Yoo Si-min
A person who pretends to be an economic expert while saying such things

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Heui Jeong’s Staff Study
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&i Condolences Roh Moo-hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Of harsh words
Yoo Si-min

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Jeong Jo-hee’s appointment and appointment by staff
Falling on the Korean economy
Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Conscience is
As much as your fingernails
People without!

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Boyoim-myeon Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&i Condolences Roh Moo-hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Yoo Si-min
Or a quack

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Nopyo elevation by Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Jeong Chun-hee
This is related to what the People Power Party lawmakers are saying.

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A side of the staff by Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
4&B Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
A reprimand against Hanryoksu Lotz
The foreign exchange rate is a big deal.
New Daily Economy
VOD News
Latest articles
real estate
IT electronics
Pharmaceutical – Righteousness
national news
Exchange rate close to ceiling due to concerns over ‘Han Deok-soo’s impeachment’
Close to 1,500 won, ‘Geumum crisis nightmare’

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Boyoim-myeon Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
‘Roh Moo-hyun Citizen Center
Jeong Chun-hee
So what was already going on

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Boyo-ipmyeon Jeong Jo-hee’s
Saturday Baekrok
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
‘Roh Moo-hyun Citizen Center
Junhee Jeong
As if this has now started a fire

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Boyo-ipmyeon Jeong Jo-hee’s
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Jeong Chun-hee
How do you feel when you hear these words?

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Baegeun Choi
I think this is very insulting to the people.
Baegeun Choi
There is a feeling that the public will be swayed by such remarks.

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Boyo-ipmyeon Jeong Jo-hee’s
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Isn’t that kind of nonsense?

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Heui Jeong’s Staff Study
Written by Ron Ron
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Baegeun Choi
Those who support that camp politically

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Boyoim-myeon Jeong Jo-hee
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&i Condolences Roh Moo-hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
No matter how much I tell you, please believe me.

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Choi Bae
So, even though there was no solution to this, I actually had a conversation with them.
Baegeun Choi
The conversation itself didn’t work.
Baegeun Choi
So, even if I show them the data, they just don’t want to look at it.
Choi Bae
As a result, I started to think that conversation itself was impossible.
Choi Bae
Because I believe it, it seems like they keep saying things like that.

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Heui Jeong’s Staff Study
Falling on the Korean economy
Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Accurate and meaningful data
continuous exposure
It can be completely different
X degrees

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Yoo Si-min
The reason we are having this discussion and broadcasting it is
Yoo Si-min
I’m not trying to unify everyone’s opinions.
Yoo Si-min
Anytime you look at the facts
Yoo Si-min
There are quite a few people who are past the point of trying to correct their thoughts.
Yoo Si-min
We talk to those people over and over again.
Yoo Si-min
Officials who say things like that and talk about that.
Yoo Si-min
Members of the National Assembly of the Insurrection Sympathy Party and such people

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Heui Jeong’s Staff Study
Falling on the Korean economy
Sa&Moon Roh Moo-Hyun Foundation
An explosion called meteorite fever
Baeknal Datareum Rat Island
Those people
I don’t accept it


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