image text translation
The ghoul approaches unseen, scratches with its claws, and then immediately hides.
And after watching us shooting into the airimage text translation
Come running back and kill meimage text translation
Ia?image text translation
Their hiding skills are not just at the level of transparency;
les @only;image text translation
It disappears completely and then reappears.
@image text translation
So, as expected, the position of the gun does not fit properly.
High attack power and hiding skillsimage text translation
Sneimage text translation
Because it is called a scam in the gaming industry.
Developer gives Ghoul some penaltyimage text translation
image text translation
FI ‘::image text translation
Makes me scream when I see someone
Leaf crab hatch that allows users to prepare for battle in advanceimage text translation
As a result, we are nowimage text translation
I’m dying in this noisy, transparent body.image text translation
Just because there is a weakness doesn’t mean you can catch it