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Hongui University Seoul Lamb
01/03 19.27
The assignment file was not submitted so it was not submitted.
1. My grade was very low, so I inquired about my grade and found that the final assignment file was missing.
They said it was not processed because it did not open.
2 The file opens very well on my laptop.
3. Professor, come. They say it won’t happen because they don’t push hard to solve the assignment.
4. The midterm assignment was submitted in the same way as the final assignment; in file
Since there was no mention of a problem, I did the same thing.
Final assignments are also submitted.
5. The assignment file can be opened on the platform without any problem on my laptop.
Even though I sent the video, the grades are already based on relative evaluation.
It is said that correction is impossible.
6. Then, I asked how the mid-term assignments were graded; No reply
Anwon was chewed. In the end, the correction deadline passed at 17:00 today.
It’s so unfair, but is there anything I can do?
If you ask me once if the file can’t be opened, I’ll be fine.
After I entered the name of the grade correction inquiry, the file did not open and was not submitted.
Let me tell you.
Empathy 76
Comment 26
scram 6
Anonymous 1image text translation
This is a piece of shit, kkkkkkkkkkk
01/03 19.27
Anonymous 2
Isn’t this professor a psychopath? Why are you acting like that at such a young age?
01/03 19.29
Anonymous 4
Even after the correction period has passed, corrections are possible if the professor submits a written explanation.
Dakdal 77 Still, it looks like the situation is Monday.
01/03 19.30
Anonymous 5
Ah, I can’t breathe just reading this.
01/03 19.30
0 8
Anonymous 6
Report to the Ministry of Education 77
01/03 19.33 0 7
I think it would be a good idea to contact the department first.
01/03 19.35 0 5
01/03 19.48 0 1
What kind of class is it? The professor says the file will be open in the middle but not in the final.
01/03 19.58
Anonymous (written)
This is a major class.
01/03 20.07
This should be reported to the reporter, not the school.
That way, they will correct it right away. If you do it at school, it will be ignored.
01/03 2040