image text translation
11*37 63909
(Takimoto Shizuha says it’s warm in November)
The pro
Was it different after all?
Table Emioriha3muliichoUt?
Professionals are different
I’ve never done it before
I even tried it on my own.
= roughly 64
Nethan *UT9835<
I thought I didn’t have the constitution
Don’t give up
#SNocheong<.6ichi e Kt
But a male actor does it.
at once
Anti N Rodago T
What excites you the most out of all the sunshine?
PP Lee 83DK Slub TOEc-Narrow
Changyoung and patience
Mo51-33T0308 Shocho T
The actor’s technical skills are also a plus.
k6960Note 7-ReJz-
I’m really happy