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If you bring persimmon to a mountain without persimmon trees, who will eat it?


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I carried it around to show off to the mountain birds in my neighborhood.

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On the mountain in my neighborhood{
There is no persimmon tree

Persimmons were left on a mountain without persimmon trees.

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The first customer is a cute squirrel

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You don’t eat very much, so what are you eating?

But I don’t eat Hongsi, but I pick up strange things.

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I really don’t eat it.

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The next day, nuts were sprinkled around Hongsi.

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Maybe it’s because it’s chubby, but it looks like a rabbit.

I only picked up nuts and ate them.

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Then I took a bite of Hongsi.

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I tried it and it was delicious. I ate it.

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The next guest is a titmouse

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The squirrel goes home and the titmouse comes to visit.

He also only eats nuts.

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Chickadee Special: Has black mustache-shaped markings

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This is just a chickadee (black tie)

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He also only eats peanuts.

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Nut-eating chickadee and chickadee

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But who eats my Heungsinon?

So who ate Hongsi?

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Yes, I am the king. A friend who will eat Hongsi =


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Yes, I am the king. A friend who will eat Hongsi =

The fur on the head of the Jibakguri is spiky like a prickly bass.

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As for the appearance fee, I’ll take another Hongsi next time I go.

The remaining Hongsi was deliciously shared by Jikbak-guri.

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