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Engaged to a same-sex lover
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izitmag_Hollywood actress Chloe Moretz (chloegmoretz)image text translation
Roy Morez indirectly acknowledged being engaged to a same-sex lover
He posted on his SNS account, “It was the happiest new year.”
About the events of this year
“Thank you” and posted all the pictures of yourself. Public profile pictures.
Chloe Morez is a natural girl from the time she attended an acquaintance’s wedding.
Silka Deul All, pictured having fun with same-sex lover Kate Harrison
0) In one photo in particular, Chloe Morese is
They got engaged by revealing a photo of their hands holding each other, emphasizing the ring frame tied on their ring finger.
It was also hinted at.
Holoi Morez has been dating model Kate Harrison since 2018.
I’m growing love
Last November, “As a homosexual;
“I think we need ‘legal protection’ to protect sexual minorities as a community.”
He said, “Our rice fields need protection from this country.
“They should be able to receive the treatment they deserve.”
Coming out has garnered a lot of attention both at home and abroad:
chloe moretz