image text translation
At the public health center, pregnant women are requested and given badges for pregnant women.
Because I got a badge
minute 0
It’s strange
Are you pregnant?
The train is coming in
The moment I stand up to take the subway, I can go home.
I suddenly felt nauseous and found it difficult to stand.
Crandor opens
At the moment, there is one empty seat for pregnant women.
walk around and sit down
(You are sitting right now.
I’m glad it’s empty
I’m going to throw up at any moment
With the same feeling
head record
I bow down and don’t take a breath.
Is this morning sickness?
Once upon a time for 6 hours
I used to ride the express bus
It’s deep
for a moment
the seat next to me in the back
1 visa
Someone comes from the other side and quickly
next to
Do you have severe morning sickness?
I’m not a strange person
My daughter is also suffering from morning sickness.
coming from home
Leon says love is good for morning sickness
A dance that says there is a lot of love at home
Well, give it a try.
I was so nauseous and tired
As soon as I receive the candy, I open it and don’t put it in my mouth.
thank you
I seemed to come to my senses from the strong sour taste of Leron.
thank you it’s much better
Do you tie it?
My daughter is 9 weeks old.
The due date is similar.
Are you having a lot of morning sickness?
A nickname for someone you meet for the first time
This isn’t the first time I’ve cried
thank you .
Eat this
It’s a road
unknown guestimage text translation
12 hours ago
What was the title? He was a diary writer.
160Yoo Hee-gwan
12 hours 0 597
Diary of an unknown guest
B2 stage I
11 hours ago
160 Yuhoegwan What happens if I suddenly bring a diary goat frame?