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Regarding the Corruption Investigation Office, Reporter Joo Jin-woo said, ‘That was the original operation.’


image text translation

The original operation was Gram.

Neither the Corruption Investigation Office nor the police have any will… The conditions are such that more than 1,000 police officers can use it as an official residence.

I didn’t have enough strength so I came out without my tail???

It still seems like it will take a long time, so don’t get tired of your emotions and don’t focus on it unnecessarily.

You have to enjoy it while replenishing your physical and emotional well-being and watch it over a long period of time to avoid being caught up in anger.

I think we should avoid wasting energy by doing this or that unnecessarily, and avoid being swayed by those who waste our time.

They know the people better than the people themselves, they know politics well, and they are not stupid.

In the end, we know better than anyone else how to make people tire and give up.

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