image text translation
image text translation
The first kill is in another country
to another country
Lanejeungha side room how Korea Ijo
Consume again
But this requires some skill
It is practicable
l It’s so bright that there’s no dream.
somewhere else
There is no will to do something
If you are a person, this is the best way.
image text translation
image text translation
image text translation
Comewall Heartless Edition_
While watching the house
Let’s go together
They are causing a mesoo-zero stagnation of a country.
There is no anastomosis.
at the same time
I have a catch
{@Hero Room-Hahana Left-Nimda
Not really
(Despite the fact that Col, a member of the working committee, is overseas Chinese, there is no interference.
Are they Toewan %havel people?