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Surprisingly, a game with the setting ”everything is a dream”


image text translation

Hlirterr”aFi FIIPfa ‘1,91,station 1_F

image text translation


image text translation



image text translation

image text translation

image text translation

If you kill the ender dragon, you can see Minecraft’s ‘Staff Roll’ and a short story.


On the thin shell of a rotating sphere of molten rock, he sometimes thought of himself as a man.

The sphere of molten rock was orbiting a glowing mass of gas 330,000 times larger than itself.

The distance between the two was so far that it took light eight minutes to cross it.

The light was information from a star, and at the same time, it was intense enough to burn skin even from 100 and 50 million kilometers away.

Sometimes I dream of being a miner on the surface of an infinitely flat world.

In that world, the sun was a white square, the days were short, and there was a lot to do. Death was just a momentary inconvenience.


…… The game ends and the player wakes up from his dream. I had a new dream again, a better dream.

And the player was the universe, and it was love.

You are that player.

Now wake up.

The player’s journey is a short dream called a game

It was,

It’s time for the dream to end

Content encouraging people to achieve the dreams they achieved in games in the long dream called life.


It can be seen as a dream ending, but even if you know it, there is no one who dislikes it due to the nature of Mark’s genre…

Many people don’t even know this exists. Who reads Staff Roll…

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