image text translation
Miyureum to drink again
I have to wait to find it.
There’s no end to words
image text translation
The crew of a Japanese ship just before being repelled by Admiral Yi Sun-sin.
They set sail without knowing what the future holds
Scenes of eating and drinking while having fun
I asked you to come and pick me up.
Without any rip off
Illustration of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force members cooking
It’s not like they’re cooking, but they’re eating, drinking, and having fun.
Asked to redraw the scene.
This time, eat computer ramen or play games.
It’s just me playing with it.
I want you to draw what it looks like right before it is repelled by the turtle ship again.
I’ll try it.
Let’s say the six days are faithful to historical research and the turtle ship (?)
It’s rough
It’s coming out
Instead of looking at the noodles, attack the turtle ship.
Ask me to draw it
It’s not a joke, it’s that the peroneal line is attacking and I’m afraid.
I want you to draw me again
It goes to this extent
I stopped because it seemed like a good thing.
The nightmare Japanese and Japanese generals are not drawn.
All pretty girls
Just draw the Maritime Self-Defense Force and where does the armor go?
I don’t know if she’s only wearing a cut top.