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Scientist: Why the fuck isn’t this dangerous? Just by looking at it, it’s cotton that kills people.


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Surprisingly, glass fiber is harmless to the human body even if it enters the lungs or major bronchi.
harm 1987 International Cancer Research Group under the World Health Organization (WHO)
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
r has officially announced that glass core oil is not a carcinogen:
In Korea, the results of an experiment conducted on laboratory rats in 1995
there is. [Long-term oral administration of free heart oil affects the body of white wine.
rice field impact

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Another case is ’caused by glass core oil generated by passenger car interior materials.
I have a level 7 health disability and fell from the ceiling of the small jeep I purchased.
This is a case in which the patient complained of itching and coughing due to Jin Yuri M oil. vehicle luck
As soon as I stopped doing it, there were no symptoms and there were no special problems.
C: However, based on the epidemiological investigation, it is estimated that the air inside the car while the patient was driving
It was judged that the concentration of free core oil exceeded the allowable limit.
After interior material repairs, there are no more problems. Do it together
We have introduced other cases, such as cases where glass core oil caused problems.
Mainly at glass core oil processing plants, workers produce more than the allowable amount of glass core.
If you complain of itchiness or coughing when exposed to an environment
However, there were no cases of chronic disease or cancer, and there were no environmental hazards.
If you are good, there will be no problems.
The safety of glass heart oil has already been proven by numerous studies.
In the first place, any product (of a product) is safe in a normal use environment.
If the requirements are not met, the product cannot be released. Because of this incident
There are some claims going around that glass core oil is dangerous, but it’s really not true.
Evidence showing the level of pseudoscience of environmental groups
It’s just a lie.

Scientist: No matter how much research is done, the only results are that it is safe.

I guess you could say I was lobbied…

Anyone who has touched this fiberglass is considered harmful.

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