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‘55-year-old’ Mariah Carey is rumored to be having an affair with a Korean singer 17 years her junior


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’55 years old’ Mariah Carey 17 years old
Ha Korean singer and rumors of adultery
Reporter Seong Jeong-eun
2024-12-31 15.23.47
Mlilm P
Mariah Carey (left) and Antherson Pack. Photo gallery SNS
Pan star Mariah Carey (55) is of Korean descent and is 77 years younger than her.
Singer Antherson Pack (38) is embroiled in rumors of an affair.
Some are reporting it as a dating rumor, but Underson Pack’s
There are unexplained suspicions that the divorce proceedings are not over.

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On the 30th (local time), US entertainment media TMZ, UK
Media outlets such as the Daily Mail are Mariah Carey and Underson
The day before, Pack was in Asmen, a resort town in Colorado, USA.
Enjoying a date at a restaurant
Reportedly captured:
The media reported that the two had dinner together for several hours.
Hatgo Antersson Pack puts his mouth on Mariah Carey’s hand.
It is said that they even matched it. Two people smile brightly
There are also photos and videos of us leaving the restaurant holding hands while holding hands.
It was a side dish. Earlier, on the 22nd, the friendly appearance of the two people was seen.
After capturing it, you will have a lot of energy to open it:
The Daily Mail said, “Mariah Carey and Antherson Pack
It is a relationship that has ‘started to be ruined’”, he said, carrying out Chukgeun’s words.
The source said: “Untersson is fun and fun to be with.
“A smart person,” he said.
However, due to the confident and exposure rights meeting, some say that the two people
Not for a romantic relationship, but for working on new music.
It is also said that they are collaborating:

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The problem is that Antherson Pack is still in the midst of a divorce.
The point is: Pack divorced his wife last July.
It’s great, the two have been married for over 10 years.
So they have two children:
Mariah Carey was an actress from 2008 to 2076.
He is married to Canyon and has 13-year-old twin children.
It has been public for over 7 years since then with Brian Tanaka.
They were in a romantic relationship but broke up in July and February of last year.

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