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Shaving in the old days was quite dangerous.


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Before razors were invented, shaving was quite dangerous.

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For example, there was a time when double-edged razors replaced the current cartridge razors.

This was quite safe at the time. However, it is safer than the single-blade razors of the past.

If you do it wrong, you can hurt yourself, and if you sharpen a knife, you can hurt yourself.

If you make a mistake, you could end up bleeding a lot.

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Single-edged razors were more dangerous. Because words are like razor blades, if handled by an inexperienced person,

He could have turned into a knife and suffered fatal injuries.

Even for experienced people, it was a daily occurrence for them to bleed, and there were also cases where a lot of bleeding occurred due to mistakes.

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Even earlier than this, there were cases where people actually shaved with an ax or a short knife, not just as a joke.

Of course, this is a more dangerous act than using a single blade or a single blade.

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So, instead of looking for romance, it is better to be quiet and use the cartridges or electric razors that are available these days.

Performance is also better this way.

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Lastly, shaving was also practiced by Stone Age people. It is said that razors were made by attaching stones (obsidian, etc.) or bronze to wood.

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