image text translation
McDonald’s, they’re really blindfolded and yelling.
God of normalization
0 2 hours ago
https://lwww dogdripnet/604814014
expiring soon team
@alil @aba
(Goodbye 2024) Neck Mac @ + Max Spicy @ Shanghai
Burger + 2 French fries L + McNugget @ 6 pieces + carbonated
2 cups of beverage 15,000 won
Duration of stay: 2024-12-31
I thought about going to McDonald’s for the first time in a while, so I looked at the old money and saw that it was 40% off, so I decided to go.
I only gave McNugget’s extra fries as the basis for the 2 sets.
The two regular sets originally cost 15,000 won, but they cut it off by 40 won.
And when I typed on the calculator,
Each and every component is rotten. Calculate the individual price and get a 40% discount! radix
This is the discount inakkuk soup.
I’m posting this because I’m really clueless. These days, Roderia is really a fairy.