image text translation
71/03 16.33
Is it sick that I didn’t read the catalog?
It’s not even a personal comment, why on earth is that happening?
0 11
0 17
05 Empathy
Anonymous 3
O1 0
I’m exactly like that
11/03 16.39
0 3
Anonymous (written)
Why are you doing this?
17/03 16.39
Anonymous 1
Why don’t you read it?
17/03 16.40
4 3
Anonymous (written)
I can’t even read the post. I’m really sick. When I see these guys,
17/03 16.43
0 36
Anonymous 5
Googuk gook gook soup Ah, this is so funny Soup soup Soup soup Soup soup
11/03 1701
6 5
Anonymous 6
17/03 17.02