image text translation
Honam Plain
The upper notes of Ki Chukkamido
Yangyang River Basin
Comaru “
The most important thing ever
I wrote this review on my own.
Barlev Production
Statistical Cor
Because the middle one is tomang
Even if farming is good
‘Huntida: Panpas’image text translation
F is blurry _
flour and beef
Exported to foreign countries in large quantities
Türkiye: Anatlian Peninsula
= high productivity
After ancient times, it’s red and blue.
The river did not flood during construction, so it was as good as before.
}This is insulting
‘OK, check it out, do it’
Canada: Spring Wheat Production
Anyo 3 @”
‘Central Great Plains region
Living on a wide plain
‘Canada’ Water Export #Running _
Productions regionales TVpiques
juteport de peche
“rnba $
‘In fact, national E
Most of it is a granary area
Plain old terrain e
66 million population
Achieved 300% salary rate
late spring zone
corn belt
‘ itself is a fraud
Full of light – powerful guy
image text translation