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What are airplane black boxes FDR and CVR?


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Flight Data Recorder (FDR)

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Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)

image text translation


Rendered aircraft black box

There are two types of flight recorders.

The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) preserves recent flight history by recording dozens of parameters collected multiple times per second.

The cockpit voice recorder (CVR) keeps a recent record of sounds occurring in the cockpit, including the pilot’s dialogue. The two devices can be combined into a single device.

Together, FDR and CVR objectively document an aircraft’s flight history and can assist in future investigations.

The two flight recorders are owned by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

It must be able to survive the conditions likely to be encountered in a serious aircraft accident, in accordance with international regulations overseen by .

For this reason, they are typically specified to withstand impacts of 3400 g and temperatures above 1,000°C (1,830°F) as required by EUROCAE ED-112.

Contrary to the name black, the actual product is painted red or orange to make it easy to spot.

At the Jeju Air Accident Site

After discovering FDR first

It is said that a CVR was discovered a while ago.

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