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SmokinTires 6h
Looks like localizer antennas; but why couldn’t
have just made
them taller instead of putting them on a bank? The plane would’ve
easily busted through them without major damage butvery dense
A dirty bank would be harmful just as we saw
BelethorsGeneralShit 24mimage text translation
Standard RSA in Americais 1,000′ beyond the departure
end If that localizer absolutely has to be elevated like
that, an airport here likely would be required to install an
EMAS which would likely have greatly mitigated their
touchdown)image text translation
LoOtAndReboot 2h
Forgive my ignorance but whyisthere a wall at the end ofthe
runway?Is there water or some other environmental hazard
rhino033 49m
The earth mound would be to raise the ILS Localizer Antennas
19 (Iocalizers are always past the opposite threshold)
When you’re sitting in a setup like this you have to
consider line-of-sight and how smooth the ground in-front of the
antennaHowever within the United States or DoD these would
be required to be mounted on frangible support structures You
want the support structure to break-away and cause as minimal
damage as possiblein a scenario like this. You wouldn’t be
allowedto construct an earth mound like this within ~1oooft of
runwayloverruns This localizes about ~450ft offthe overrun
which would violate airfield criteria butit’sa Korean Airport so
regulations are different.
(See FAA and UFC Airfield Criteria)
WholesomeThingsOnly 1himage text translation
Imarandom kid with no aviation knowledge whatsoever
ask what localizer array is? And whyit’s buriedin a
mound by the runways?
Sonoda_Kotori 7h
ILSis the instrument landing system a system that
guides the plane until touchdown by broadcasting very
specific radio frequencies which the plane picks up
Ithastwo parts: glide slopelpath; and localizer Glide
slopeis self explanatory as it guides how steep the
plane dives Localizer on the other hand guides the
plane horizontally showing how muchit has deviated
from side to side. This is grossly simplified obviously
If you want to read more:
https Ien wikipedia oralwikilInstrument_landing
system localizer
Most localizer arraysl’ve seen around the world
dont haveahuge mound like this one Generally they
either just stood thereif
are on high ground or
propped up by steel scaffolding There have been
plenty of runway overrun incidentsaccidents where
airliners smashed into them but none were as bad as
This obviouslyis the first timelve seen aberm
This large used to hold localizer arrays.
Most localizer embryos I’ve seen around the world don’t have these root mounds.image text translation
When they are on high ground, they either just stand there or are hitched to the steel scaffolding when the plane crashes into the bow.
There are usually a lot of accidents or accidents, but there are no accidents this serious. Localizer array
This is the first time I’ve seen so much detail in storage.
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super full tea
Zh ago
There is another wall and road near the end of the runway. Some airports have an area beyond the runway that causes planes to run away instead of the runway.
There are “soft zones” that slow down the runway. The runway was once extended and existing infrastructure roads are adjacent to the end of the runway.
There is not much space left between nearby roads, so a fleeing plane can continue to get stuck in road traffic after crossing the airport.
I think they might put up a “wall” to prevent collisions. It’s just a catch-up
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Th ago ‘
Damn Tronly problem? How many airplane passengers will you have to destroy to save the driver’s seat?
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Kobyeolso 033
28m ago ‘
In fact, the height of the ILS loggerizer antenna frame on the dirt pile Rwy 19 (logitors are always set at the opposite threshold)
When installing rotary risers in an environment like this, how close is the line of sight to the ground in front of the antenna?
We need to figure out what’s going on. However, the United States and the Department of Defense say these things cannot be installed on weak support structures.
You have to be kind. In a scenario like this, the support structure is disconnected to cause as little damage as possible.
I want a frame. It is not allowed to build an earthen mound frame like this within about 1,000 feet of the runway overrun distance.
This localization device is approximately 450 feet from the overrun, which may violate airfield standards, but
It’s an airport so the rules are different.
(See FAA and UFC airfield standards)
1. BelethorsGeneralShit:
The standard runway safety area (RSA) in the United States is 1,000 feet from the end of the departure area. If the localizer had to be installed that way, American airports would have had to install EMAS (Aircraft Accident Reduction System), which would likely have greatly mitigated the impact.
That looks like a localizer antenna, but why didn’t they make the antenna higher instead of putting it on the embankment? The plane would have passed through it without major damage, but very dense earthen banks can be lethal, as we have just seen.
3. WholesomeThingsOnly:
I am a student with no aviation knowledge at all. May I ask what the localizer array is and why it is buried in a mound near the runway?
4. Sonoda_Kotori:
ILS (Instrument Landing System) is a system that transmits a specific radio frequency to guide an airplane until it lands. This system is divided into two parts: glide slope/path (inclined path) and localizer. The glide slope guides how steeply the plane should descend. The localizer guides the plane’s left-right deviation to adjust its horizontal orientation.
(More information: ILS localizer – Wikipedia)
Localizer arrays typically stand on elevated terrain or are often supported by steel structures. However, this is the first time I have seen such a large mound of dirt used.
5. LOOtAndRebOOt:
Why is there a wall at the end of the runway? Are there water or other environmental hazards beyond that?
The mound appears to have been installed to raise the ILS localizer antenna on RWY 19 (the localizer is always located at the opposite end). In this structure, it is important how flat the ground in front of the antenna is and how well the field of view is secured. U.S. and Department of Defense standards require such antennas to be mounted on structures designed to be easily broken. However, since this airport is located in Korea, regulations may be different.
(See FAA and UFC standards)
A reaction like this
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Really?; Bell (open)
CIarr flag’
Open area & installation t’ Kwonmu Geo1-gu = The following should be done;
Geobangguryeok = Digusa; Gapyo distance {TCRA l I have to start from a sudden stop. It’s a big deal. drought street
Z dog mageo _-: -uruhhau
Daeba That Girl 9
Eon Jang-rin, the leader of the vote, should be swayed at least to the distance of many volumes.
Gyegi w Juke 9 Gyeolru Tm
Non-instrument} The main gun’s shape is the second half of the soup.
Kkeobangurunteo Jinyokneul | 2956 The apostle of “Samko”
In recent years, the sumoks of the soup = the sumoks of the soup = the mosiknim {capturing the susu-nyeonde etching mimyeon from the diro Subaganggeori {TCRAI chrysanthemum + the sumoks of the soup: a rice restaurant using the soup: the sukeseoneuko of the national treasury)
If it’s a hemispheric 49, the inspection degree is incredibly small. Again=
Dubsaduga =
Rapid sug cotton stock
U.S. government
Galgeun Ssilmeo Yeseo is };, 3-simseon Runjangse’s Mangyu, Ko5 or Ja=, within 12 distances of Geobangguf, Bujunye, Seo Sergeant, Geumsa-ri Byeon#
#The change from the open mouth to the main nose is generally in line with the requirements of the frequent nose to bow to the open mouth.
I’m going to go to the middle of the day = Jin Bina is a missed goal 3 and a 2nd base win f.
What? It is possible to consider Mominon and Kaado within the rice field geobang area: It is a place to stay and leave.
U.S. Ga Lung C Kyus_ Gwan Gilda Safdoenium Endbi
Sheet Hapgonggigeo Continent Mtrip & Cheongseon Field Number Geodo Dam Easy = Reclose
If you eat rice, it’s a national rice dish with minimal miscellaneous properties.
It hangs on the back, so it’s swept away.
Domestic regulations also state that it must be made of ‘easy-to-break material’.
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It’s usually like this
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This is the localizer antenna at Muan Airport.