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A cafe famous for its cakes can’t turn on the heating because they have to keep it refrigerated.””””. The bakery’s notice says, ”It’s controversial.”


image text translation

With too many reservations every year
There are difficulties in operation.
It’s a bullymas with a lot of complaints:
Total expected sales volume, including reservations, is
Because there are over 500 of them.
Due to lack of refrigeration facilities
Our academies can’t even turn on the heating.
‘I’m prepared to suffer physical pain.
Let’s take a look at the example in the refrigerator:
‘For your Christmas
Guarding the store
‘To my delicate friends
Please give me warm hugs from your daughter:
In addition, our customers
Happy Lismasu and the end of the year
Best wishes:

A franchise bakery is controversial because it cannot turn on the heating due to a lack of refrigeration facilities to store Christmas cakes.




A photo of a notice believed to have been written by a bakery owner is spreading online.

The notice said, “The total expected sales volume, including reserved cakes, is


“Because there are more than 100 units, there is a lack of refrigeration facilities, so employees cannot turn on the heating and are risking physical pain while working,” it said.

The post ends with the request, “Please say some kind words to the young friends (employees) who are guarding the store for your Christmas.”

However, netizens’ reactions to this are greatly divided.

One netizen criticized the store, saying, “Do you not think about the human rights of your employees so much that they work without turning on the heating on this cold day?” There were also comments such as, “Why don’t we just take orders for as much as can be refrigerated?” and “Why are you passing on the guilt to the customers?”

On the other hand, there were also responses that sympathized with the store, saying, “Realistically, it is difficult to refuse incoming reservations,” “It must have been written with the employees in mind,” and “I wish there were more truths.”

Meanwhile, cakes introduced by famous bakeries for Christmas this year also received a lot of attention. Many netizens posted online confirming that they went on an ‘open run’ from the morning to purchase the Christmas cake ‘Strawberry Shiru’ sold at Seongsimdang, a famous bakery in Daejeon.

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