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Media exit:
Start of publication
Woon Seok-yeol, the retreatee, is not appearing – Yeojo??
I applied for a postponement of the date in the morning and will consider it.
You can prepare anything you couldn’t prepare today next time.
We will not accept postponement requests.
The appointment of a representative for the respondent was delayed.
I take into account those who are not sufficiently prepared for the defense.
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We are currently reading the motion to submit grounds for impeachment.
Violation of the Constitution due to appointment
Illegal mobilization of troops, etc.
Your lawyer:
I’m sorry to say the judge’s words.
I received the document frame this morning, so I haven’t even been able to review the contents yet.
According to the press???) the opinion on prosecution is
Regarding the extent to which the claim and the evidential relationship can be considered a reasonable issue,
Oh, me now. Lee Jin-haeng
Since Soju’s opinion has been submitted, we are checking the agenda by slandering it.
It’s difficult for me to answer today as a retreatee.
You can provide your answer by the next due date.
You don’t have to worry too much about that.
Will you acknowledge the announcement of the reappointment of the applicants?
Your attorney:
As for that, the House will check the fact that the irrigation system is in place and will do so during the next argument.
No, the emergency declaration was broadcast live.
Is the content of the statement clear?
Do you admit the fact that it is an industry??
Your attorney:
Nod. (Ajinpa = Gukkkuki)
It doesn’t seem like there’s much room for argument.
Isn’t that true?
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The defendants’ defense team continues to be very bright_
By answering clearly
The judge continues to laugh.
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Jane’s Attorney:
We are currently pursuing criminal cases and impeachment prosecutions.
We’re going together
The number of defense attorneys over there is too small.
It’s hard to prepare enough
There is also limited time to respond.
Judge, the other impeachment cases will be ruined now.
Is there any agreement or basis for the rush of the judges?
I’m preparing as much as I can to accommodate that.
If you think about our position, we will be happy.
We have had several impeachment cases.
Although this is the last case filed
The presidential impeachment incident is more important than anything else.
That’s why I wanted to do it before any other prosecution.
The purpose of impeachment trials is to protect the rights of defendants in criminal proceedings.
Let’s correct the constitutional order.
Like a detective, we strictly examine the evidence.
It is difficult to guarantee personal rights as well as Detective Soseung.
However, this does not mean that we proceed unilaterally.
Because of these factors, we are proceeding with the impeachment trial quickly from the beginning.
I’m not saying I won’t let the people in the retreat live, but I’ll give them plenty of opportunity.
Please cooperate.
You can do more than you need, but if you don’t do it, you’re in trouble.