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2 hours ago
Hello, this is Dal.
Jeonon: A charter scam through a video uploaded on June 19, 2024
Reveal the damage done
I had no intention of notifying others of the situation and passing it on.
facts and
All the expectations and disappointments during the process are captured in video.
Afterwards, despite many words, I made a prior notice.
There is no intention to commit a lease fraud, and is this act legal?
There is no explanation as to whether it is illegal or not.
As time passed and I came to my senses and looked back, many people
I don’t understand what you pointed out. Pain comes
Let’s face the problem of the act of trying to hand it over to someone else.
I couldn’t even capture it on video, with an accurate point record.
I did not understand and tried to explain it with a focus on legality and illegality.
I think it would be:
I think about how much impact my actions and words have.
It happened
Pain is not something to share or avoid; The parties
The first thing I want to say is that we should try our best to resolve:
image text translation
I will continue to reflect further over time:
Daegle 37
6 months – science