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How to determine future baldness


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“Am I a bald stone merchant?”
You know rock ‘this’ when you see it?
Entered 2024.12.24 3.13 PM.
Modified 2024.12.24 3.15 PM
Original text of article
Reporter Jeong Eun-ji
Baldness prediction method based on 2D.4D ratio
fetal poetry
Exposure to higher levels of testosterone
Theory that there is a high possibility of plastic hair loss
Longjer iJng) H], J eda
The “2D:4D Ratio’
Vourhimlino Smluo

A simple way to predict if you will go bald
A method has been proposed to identify genetics by looking at specific physical characteristics.
It is separate from the factors [Photo – Dr. Cho Chi Ting Hwak, Novel Media / Oh
Right – Getty Images Bank]
A simple way to predict if you might go bald
A way to look at certain physical characteristics has been suggested.
This is independent of genetic factors:
According to an introduction in the British daily Daily Mail, Joe Wittingwak
The Doctor says in his novel Media “This Bald Prediction
The same baldness that my maternal grandfather suffered for a long time.
“It has nothing to do with genetic causes,” he said, pointing his finger.
It is said that the answer lies in wool, called the 2D.4D ratio.
Let’s take a look at the known length ratio of the index and ring fingers.
The D non-finger digit means 2D-index finger 4D=
It’s weak

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In other words, people whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers tend to be bald.
The risk is six times higher. However, the participants in this study
Men who do not have a family history of partial hair loss
Testosterone hormone is naturally secreted in large quantities.
Because of this finger length difference in 2D.4D ratio
The larger the value, the higher the possibility of this happening.
You can:
index finger is longer
index finger is shorter
High 2D:4D ratio
Low 2D:4D ratio
index finger
ring finger
ring finger
index finger
core deom point
2D-index finger 4D-ring finger 0 High 2D.4D ratio is index finger is ring finger
It has a longer appearance and @ Low 2D.4D ratio, the index finger is shorter than the ring finger
All are short. Low 2D. The higher the 4D ratio, the more likely you are to go bald.
The sex is also high [Image-Comedy Dagum DB]

… Jjang public figure

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