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Find the cow queen. Breast 40 points, legs 25 points, looks 25 points, hips 10 points. Dairy cow queen car contest.


image text translation

Find the cow cow
I’ll give it to you at the station.
Dairy cows gathered together_
Forbidden breasts, etc.
It’s not unusual
Find the milk sogwonkarum
It’s water.
Find a dairy cow
To control
Should I fail?
‘The owners of the massage
There is no nose job
Full-scale examination time
Second place is not important
|It’s a festival.
Nothing else, hehe
Ahn’s Room Hi Jeo Month
friendly competition
The owners also look very nervous.
The screening is based on gait and breast shape,
It is done.
Best for the size and appearance of the middle breast
run leaves
The basics of dairy cows
top priority
Find the milk sogwonkarum
Step on your mouse 2- Oedoe 2-rye Eongje-ae-
Find the dairy cow
Issued by Yueojwi, Darae 2- Oedoe 2 Cheongjeye (-
Find Milk Sogwonka
A selection contest with only Kwon Ka-eul among them. dairy farmers
And the sweat
Spread as much as you want
There is no charge.


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