image text translation
Fullmetal Alchemist: Characteristics of those who suck at landlocks
Now when it rains, my back hurts and my knees hurt.
image text translation
Santa Tearup 17.42
Yeah, so I wheeled it with a knee automail ~
KB Kookmin Bank 17.44
Kkuk = Kkk= =kk= =kk = =kk= Kkk=
Hat Sauce Tag Scissors 11.44
Kkuk = Kkuk = Kkuk =
Para Hamburger 11.46
Kkuk = Kkuk = Kkuk =
Miko 11.48
Kkuk = Kkk= =kk= Kkk= Kkk=
Spring season 11.50
Kkuk = kkk = = kk = kk
Lily of the Valley 11.51
Kkuk= Kkuk= =Kk= Kkuk= Kkuk