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Complaints against the fire department while recovering from hypothermia in Nam Taeryeong


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Taehoon Lim
@Taehoon Lim
[Military Human Rights Center Nam Taeryeong Breaking News]
We will share the current situation at 8:50 am on the 22nd.
Emergency patient with symptoms of hypothermia. After reporting 119
Around 7 a.m., take the 119 ambulance to the emergency room of a nearby hospital.
Determine the patient’s personal information and directly check the patient’s health status
I did it. Currently, the patient is recovering and recovering.
I’m taking some stability.
The fire department deployed the 119 ambulance behind the police car wall on both continents.
I am glad to hear the answer.
Problems with the fire department’s attitude towards rally participants
1. Difficulty in getting back on board in the event of an emergency
2. Pursuant to the motion for violation of the right to medical treatment and health of assembly participants
There is a strong demand for the deployment rate of emergency responders to assembly sites.
3. The answer is that a police investigation should be held.
4. The right to health of protest participants is mortgaged by the police authorities.
A strong response from the snow fire department
4. In protest, we request the deployment of 119 ambulances and paramedics.
Not in body
5. Even after more than 2 hours, the 119 ambulance is not deployed.
No, I made a complaint call to the fire department’s landline (not 119).
We are having a hard time in the -7 degrees Celsius cold.
The police are putting up barriers and blocking farmers from marching to the truck site.
This proves that the power of Unseokyeol is still at work.
I think it is a command.
The police removed the barriers and cooperated to disperse at the destination.
You will have to do it. The number of rally participants is increasing.
I hope all citizens can return home safely.
It’s ruined.
Military Human Rights Center
Director Lim Tae-hoon

I wish emergency personnel had been permanently stationed at the scene, but that doesn’t seem to be working. It must be really cold.

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