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The Witcher 4
Having Ciri as The Witcher 4lead will helpthe game
explore the Witcher world’s sexism, say CD Projekt
It’s also something of a Witcher origin
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The announcement of The Witcher 4, which featured Sirirop as the protagonist of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, sparked several controversies. Some came
Line users were outraged by the fact that a (slightly older) female character appeared in a series with an existing male protagonist.
C: Meanwhile, a more serious discussion follows. Siri doesn’t undergo genetic modification of witcher to be optimized for men.
In addition, the aging Gechult’s special abilities that overshadow his swordsmanship and magic skills are lacking.
In this regard, it is a discussion about whether she is suitable as a witcher protagonist.
In an interview with Eurogamer this week, Game Director Sebastian Kalkumba and Narrative Director Philip Weber
In response to these opinions, we also revealed some of Siri’s situation at the beginning of the game.
Weber revealed that Ciri is depicted as a witcher several times in Andrzej Gabkowski’s original novel. Like the original
The explanation is that the opinion opposing Baltakul, the main character of Siri, is not persuasive. He crabs with galkumba
He acknowledged that Dolt is an attractive character and that many fans are hoping for his return. But Siri is already
There are no playable characters in The Witcher 3, and CD Prosigt wants to explore more possibilities through her.
I want to say it all.
“The potential of the character of Ciri is exciting for all of us. Her personality and essential qualities.
The possibilities for F that can be incorporated into all gameplay are endless.
Weber said. “Those who are currently expressing concern
The most important answer that can be given to Bored is how carefully we handle it when the time comes.
“I think that’s what it is.”
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The journey of Siri growth begins
Eurogamer asked if there was any chance of introducing a customizable protagonist in The Witcher 4 like in Cyberpunk 2077.
None: “Our Witcher series has always been about character-driven storytelling,” explains Weber.
“It started with Gemult, then became the second main character of Sirible in The Witcher 3, and Sewitgoi now sets the tone for her story.
“I plan to continue.”
Weber argues that the reason Ciri may be an attractive protagonist is that, paradoxically, she is not a ‘perfect’ witcher.
dream of dots The lonely hunter who already reminded me of Glint Eastwood Rock when he appeared as the main character in the game.
Unlike the old Gechult, who has perfected his appearance, Ciri still has a lot of room to grow.
“What’s interesting about Ciri as a new protagonist is that she’s only just begun her journey as a witcher.
This is: Gyechult does not have a seasoned hunting army with a lot of experience. He has his own beliefs and is neutral.
He created his values and they are not the result of the countless experiences he has gone through. But Siri
“I am currently accumulating such experiences.”
“Of course, Ciri is an established character, but the player must choose the path she takes as she becomes a witcher.
“You will be able to decide which person to choose and which person will win more in the process.”
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Addressing gender discrimination and social themes in the Witcher universe
The Witcher series has female characters collect sexually explicit cards and features excessively sensual female wizards.
It highlights an overall feminine world view that is sometimes delicate and sometimes sensational.
In this ergot, Siri provides an opportunity to look at the world from a new perspective.
Regarding the game’s depiction of Sendy politics and gender discrimination, Text Weber responded as follows.
‘The world of the witcher is
Dark Fantasy A very dark world inspired by folktales. Historical background from the Middle Ages to the early Renaissance
In the sky, it is an example of a harsh era for many minority groups, including women.
It also deals with racism against the human species, and The Witcher 4 plans to continue this theme. This is always important
“No problem”
“We make games for adults: so we tackle difficult topics, but in an interesting way.
Rather than providing easy answers, we ask difficult questions that players can think about on their own.
As Jo Ciri finds herself in the unusual position of being a female witcher in this world, some of these questions may be of interest to her.
Looks like I’m heading to the port. This isn’t a theme that runs through the entire game, but it’s just one part of the world.
“It will be discussed as one of various topics.”
Having Ciri as The Witcher 4 lead will help the game explore the Witcher world’s sexism, say CD Projekt | Rock Paper Shotgun
Translation is done by ChatGP.
A few days ago, the official trailer was released, revealing the new protagonist of Witcher 4.
It was confirmed that it was ‘Siri’, which also appeared in the previous work.
Developer CDPR is using Siri to address gender discrimination and minority discrimination within the Witcher world.
It is said that it will address social issues.