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2 Q
Exchange rate of 1,400 won, rather good KOSPI
During the strategy, Hyundai Motors and Kia ran in reverse.
Export companies benefit from adverse exchange rate fluctuations
Reporter Moon Soo-ban
Entered 2024.04.16. 18.13
On the 16th, the KOSPI index faced geopolitical risks originating from the Middle East.
There is a 2% possibility of a delay in the US base interest rate cut.
Auto stocks are unlikely to start rising even though they have fallen so far:
As the international situation became unstable, the won against the US dollar
As the (KRW dollar) rises, we see the benefits. Automobile Association
The exchange rate rise is good for Korean export companies such as
act as ashes
Yeomgok 4
Balnyeom Bridge
Hyundai Motor Group headquarters in Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul. / Provided by Hyundai Motor Group