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Navy Honor Guard Commander Major Noh Eun-gyeol (exposure press conference)


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Navy Major Noh Eun-gyeol
media mongu
Exposure press conference
The voice of poetry
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Because of the soup
[LIVE] Navy Honor Guard Captain Major Noh Eun-gyeol exposed
Press conference (accompanied by reporter Jang In-soo)
1.3 million people watching Started: 18 minutes ago See more

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What I saw briefly in front

I reported that Division Commander Lim Seong-geun was staying at a hotel.

From then on, they started threatening and forced to swear loyalty to the president.

The President’s Office was trying to collect and report on a lot of shaman-related information… I think the President’s Office noticed it.

On October 23rd, strangers came and assaulted him.

Someone inspected me and my family.

Threats such as sexual assault and stabbing of wife and children

After being told to be careful from now on, I was actually beaten.

I fell down the stairs and broke my back and fractured my wrist.

Judged as disabled…still interviewing

Kim Geon-hee, etc. There are a lot of them.

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