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The reason why Temusan padding is cheap


image text translation

What about cheap padding tablets made in China? “Replace used books”
‘Fake Oridell’ stock price pro
Used and put together”
Jangsu Province
Jiangxi Province
Last month, a Chinese CCTV fake duck down manufacturer was accused.
‘Fake duck honey’ stock price falls
“Insert used Seomulwood ginal”
Bedding company official
It is common to say that fake ducklings are real.
A man selling dog meat and oil by hanging a sheep head frame
The stock price is going up.
“Put in used items”
Dahibao exposes “the identity of fake duck fur is used seojirok”
Gataori stock price goes to I
‘Put in the used geumrok tree’s hair’
Make 5 sets of 8,000 won padding on used Seojirok Jittul IKS
“Fake Duck Rub’s” stock price falls
“Put in used goods.”
Insulation is reduced and respiratory tract damage is caused by spraying fine chemicals.
“I’m a happy duck”’ to the water at the edge of the water
“Put in used Semunrok litter”
Orator batting producer
Some bad merchants even go so far as to use chicken or pig hair.
You can also put it in a box with dog fur or something like that.
‘Fake review’ stock price exposed
“Put in used Sejit O”
Recently, the price of duck down has soared. ‘Seo Ji-rok’s gang’ is an open secret
Addition of ‘Gapiollup’
“Put in the used Seomulok Jirum”
Goose down IKS $120 Avian influenza wave level
Additional revelations about ‘fake ducks’
“Put in the Seomunmok”
As Chinese duck and goose meat consumption decreases, fur supply also decreases.


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