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The real identity of cheap Chinese padding is “”””Replace a used shuttlecock””””ㅋㅋㅋ


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What is the identity of the cheap Chinese date? “Replace used Seojirok”

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used Seojimok mintul”
Jangsu Province
Jiangxi Province
Last month, Chinese CCTV reported a fake duck down manufacturer.

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used saddlewood mint”
Bedding company official
I really remove fake ducklings. commonly said
It’s an aggressive business that hangs up sheep heads and sells dog meat racks.

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used Seojimok mintul”
Daabao exposes “the identity of fake duck down is used sutlock”

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used Seomulmok wood”
I made 5 sets of used Seojirok Jittul IKS 8,000 won dating

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used Seojimok mintul”
Insulation is reduced and respiratory tract damage is caused by spraying fine chemicals.

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used Seojimok mintul”
Duck down padding producer
Some unscrupulous merchants even sell chicken or pig hair,
You can also put it in a box with dog fur or something like that.

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used saddlewood mint”
Recently, duck down prices have soared: ‘Seojirok padding’ is an open secret

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used saddlewood mint”
Goose down IKS $120 “Avian influenza wave level”

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used saddlewood mint”
Chinese duck: As goose meat consumption increases, fur supply decreases.

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Additional exposure of ‘fake duck down’
“Put in used Seojimok mintul”
Correspondent Kang Jeong-gyu
Beijiang, China

Reporter Kang Jeong-gu:

Chinese-made padding and duck down blankets, which are also exported to Korea in large quantities, are a situation where one has to be suspicious if the price is too cheap.

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@Zo_Sang 7 hours ago
Don’t be deceived into selling it, but if you say that this is a self-recycling material or an eco-friendly material, you will be liked by environmental protection “activists” who will buy it for you.
15 307
Reply 107

Ah, let’s do a little better at marketing~

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