image text translation
Bon debarras
Jai rejoins aux manifestants devant le parlement cet apres-midi pour assister au resultat des votes en directe trop contente et emu du
Amblance folle comme Un feslival ou un concert et bon enfant ala fois
Le peuple coreen elalit extrement courageux (manifestes tous les jours dehors
boulot avec-5 ~ -10*C ) pacifiste (sans aucun blesse depuls)
Despite the results, I was really happy and moved_image text translation
The crazy atmosphere like festivals and big concerts is so stressful.
Korean people are very braveimage text translation
(Outdoor protest every day after work in weather of ~5 degrees, -1O degrees)
There are no pacifists (sit down no one gets hurt)
@jubasyfax1181 3 days agoimage text translation
Les Coreens ont donne une lecon de democratie au Monde et plus precisement ala France
Koreans all over the world;
More precisely, there are no lessons for France about democracy.
@eaji22125s9 3 days agoimage text translation
Bravo aux Sud-Coreens qui ont su lutter et defendre leur democratie! Des exemples a suivre.
Bravo to Koreans who know how to fight and protect democracy!
This is an example we should follow
@brunotauvel1795 3 days agoimage text translation
Ilya un vrai malaise au sein de nos dirigeants Ils ne representent plus leur population
Our leaders have too many problems
They no longer represent their people
@motar38o 4 days agoimage text translation
Bravo a la Coree du Sud a quand la France
bravo korea
When will France follow?
@kafandotassere1521 3 days agoimage text translation
Voila un vrai pays
This is the real me
@PauseCafeBooks 3 days agoimage text translation
La France devrait prendre example
France should also follow this example.
@MalikaBouizlan 3 days agoimage text translation
Le resultat a lot of people decide to reprendre en main son futur et son destin
This is what makes people think about their future and destiny.
It’s the result of a decision to take back control.
@chantalrayrolles5468 3 days agoimage text translation
Cafait rever
En France continues a creuser.
Force a la Coree!
It’s like a dream, France is still struggling
Cheer up, Korea!
@marcb6868 3 days agoimage text translation
Pourquoi on ne ferait pas la meme chose ?
How about we do like Koreans?
@josuem2115 4 days agoimage text translation
La democratieilya ceux qui en parlent etilya ceux qui la pratiquent Que la France apprenne
A person who only talks about it memorizes it
There are people who practice it:
Let France Learn
I feel like something has changed…