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“Democrats must protect the Constitution” at the mention of a ‘3rd term challenge’
President-elect Truck, who was re-elected, is likely to be elected for a third term before taking office.
It is controversial to mention it.
The U.S. Constitution only allows re-election.
Even if it means changing the constitution, the Democratic Party is angry.
The Republican Party comes forward and says it’s not a joke:
[Truck’s ‘3rd term’ challenge? “‘Discovered’
Celebration party for truck’s House of Representatives majority achievement
Donal appears on the podium and criticizes key figures in the US Republican Party.
President-elect De Trucks looks bright:
Following the White Pharmacy, the party pledged to the National Assembly.
with lawmakers
We held a self-congratulatory event:
[Truck’s ‘3rd term’ challenge? “‘Discovered’
Republican Party of America
Number of seats in the Senate and House of Representatives
Govanket Town
House of Representatives
this time
In the congressional elections held along with the presidential election, the Republican Party won
Successfully secured a majority in both the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives, with majorities on both sides.
The party’s status depends on it.
[Truck’s ‘3rd term’ challenge? “‘Discovered’
Dogled Truck
‘The President-elect of the United States’ Daedongryeong
Isn’t it true that winning is a gun? I always win
We are taking a big lead in the 7 competing provinces of our rice fields.
Truck is leaving room for the next presidential election here.
I also made a statement.
The New York Times reported that Truckp said, “House of Representatives won’t find a way.”
He was reported to have said, “If so, I will not run for a third term.”
If the party pushes
3-wire function
“I made a statement that circumvented the purpose.”
In other words, it is a ‘circumstance’ statement meaning that it is possible if the party supports it.
This is not the first time Truck has hinted at the possibility of a third term.
[Truck’s ‘3rd term’ challenge
Donald Truck
‘US President-elect (this year)
Ruth Bilt has been in the 4th term for almost 16 years. Well, me too (if re-elected after being elected)
Will there be a third term? Or is the second better? you tell me
But in reality it is not easy
The U.S. Constitution, which limits the number of presidents to a maximum of two, needs to be revised.
One-third of the seats in the House of Representatives
Approved by all 50 state legislatures
Because you need to get approval:
[Truck’s ‘3rd term’ challenge? ” ‘foot?
Article 22 of the U.S. Constitution
The presidential term is
Limited to a maximum of 2 times
‘Truck’s 3rd term challenge? “‘Detected
How to amend the U.S. Constitution
Federal Assembly initiative
Two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives approved
Three quarters of the 50 state legislatures are pro-Protest.
Truck’s ‘3rd term’ challenge? ‘detection
Tim Burche
“No joke:
“There is no joke”
As the third-term remarks became known through Bogo, Republican House members
says it’s a joke and goes on fire:
However, the Democratic Party blocked the meeting for two days, saying, “Even non-elected presidents
A resolution to confirm the amendment containing the contents of “It is possible only once”
I am writing to inform you that I will submit the instructions today.
House of Representatives
image text translation
???: It worked because I did it?