image text translation
Found an extract from her manifesto that’s currently locked apparently
shewasaradicalfeminist (who wasafan Of RFH) and not exactly
proficient in the English language
women are the only hopefor this wretched world But even women have been bralnwashed by
moids lor toolonBtheyve internalized the patnarchy and turned on each other always bending far
lor male approval and validation Its disgusting |reallze the lruth men are iredoemable radlem
hitler w8s
lucking vindicated now They cant be relormed or redeemed Theyre
lucky scourge
Upon the earth The onlly solutionistololal exlerminale [hem and everyloid who worships [hese]
Tucking parasites. Every single male must be wiped ouf Irom babies to the elderly Only then can
new world ill be
pioneer IIl bethe lirsttolakethe lirst step
dont care
theyrtathers brothers husbands sons teachers police, and especially niEBers Or politicians Ive
been cravingto killihem all This is my mission only When their parasific sludBe has been
expunged from this @arthiis when Then tho world will be clean and women can start over Irsthe
only way in aproximately 10 mintue si should be dead ils strange bulitles Bood.
Was that minion pic actually
“Do you have the unedited?”
Yes Thisisit Xcom/PETROGRADIstat .
“Women are the only hope in this shitty world. But even women have been so brainwashed by the men. They have internalized the patriarchy and kept each other in check for men’s approval and attention. It’s disgusting. Men are irredeemable. Radical Femi Hitler is the only pest of the earth. Whether it’s getting rid of all men, from babies to the elderly, I will take the first step to create a new world for women. I wanted to kill them all, whether they were teachers or police officers, so that their parasitic scum could be wiped from the face of the earth and women could have a fresh start. Inside I will die. “It’s a strange but good feeling.”