image text translation
Ark of Tomorrow developer Yingjiao staffimage text translation
Cheating on Nishuihan and his engagement
It was not revealed to her.
Lihouguan Houba Lake Crossing Morum
+ focus on
Source of stay B: BVIkx4y1d76k
It’s easy, Mr. Hu, an employee of Arc Tomorrow Eagle Point
While my fiancé was leaving, he got caught in the water and caught a woman.
I was caught by my fiancé on my way home from work.
It is assumed that . end .
It is reported that the employee in question was fired, but Eaglepo
INT official said
In an incident involving this person
There is no special announcement framework.
One of the developers cheated
I was caught by my fiancee and she was furious so I uploaded a screen shot revealing who my fiancé was.
That was a character model for a new game (Arknight: Endfield).
The company fired the development team in question, but perhaps because it was a political fight, they moved on without commenting much.
Thanks to this, users of the game were just happy that the game that was only mentioned was not a paper plan.
When everyone becomes happy except one person.