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12.3 Why was the door of Han Yejong closed on the night of the civil war?
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(2024.12.1/News Desk/MBC)
MBCNEWS. 86,000 views
11 hours ago
Permanent ban on entering the U.S. and complete ban on children studying abroad.
Announcement by the U.S. CIA
JBC News Top Butcheek 12th 4th, 2018
When we asked the U.S. Embassy in Korea, we received this information:
I figured it out and said it was there, but there was no response saying it wasn’t worth responding to.
Should celebrities who support impeachment be reported to the CIA? ..8 years ago
Fake news again #novelpick / JTBC Morning&
JTBC News’ Views 236 times. 8 minutes ago
Not worth responding to
The old people did it because they stepped up.