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ㅇㄹ] LoL jungle mob “”””Lishi”””” is correct “”””Lishi”””” is correct?


The original video is just an ordinary LoL meme, but the comments are very helpful.

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Damn it
23 hours ago
Rishi bitch
22 hours ago
@Chemmo I’m studying more about notation of foreign words.
71 minutes ago
There is nothing set in English.

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5 minutes ago
@rotot05o thank you for siding with me
I’m curious so it’s easy to find.
The origin of Rishi (Rishi) that I wrote about
“leash According to the meaning of the word when leashing in the previous version,
I wash it in the sense of catching the jungle body aggro.
It’s okay, but even now, the feeling has changed a bit.
It’s a useless term, so keep tinkering with it.’
It says

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2 minutes ago
The pronunciation of Leash is ‘foreign word notation in English’
According to the ‘Bylaws’, Rishi writes “Flash” in the frame of “Flash”.
I think it would be suitable

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2. Write the word-final [J] field as ‘si’ and the [] eye ​​before the consonant as ‘su’;
The [[] field before a vowel is ‘sa’, ‘sae’ depending on the following vowel; ‘west’
‘show’ ‘su’; Write ‘poem’:
flash[flaeJ] flash
shrub[JrAb] Shrub
‘count’, ‘

While watching LoL, the knowledge content is ㄱㅇㄷ

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