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The world’s first cat name listed in the Guinness Book of Records.jpg


image text translation

The ancient Egyptian preliminaries’ cat rate is usually called ‘mau’. If we translate it into Korean now, it would be ‘male ayongi’:
It would be unfair to say that it is a specific name for a certain cat. So maybe you just don’t want to call it that?
During the reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425 BC), a cat was finally called by his own name. bar
It is ‘Nadjem’: a cat owned by a low-ranking official named Pujmre, who was in charge of construction; What I mean by Nadiim Igwan is
It is said to mean ‘cute’ or ‘star’.
Judging by the fact that he gave his cat a very specific name, it seems that the owner loved Nadi’ol very much.
C: This name remains intact on the murals of Puimre’s tomb in Thebes.
The Guinness Book of World Records currently records Nadi’ol as the first cat name in human history. Maybe Puimre is a kid
The name of the tomb has been passed down to this day and will be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The meaning is cute

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