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It has been observed that trends come and go even among killer whales.


Not long ago in October 2024,

A killer whale with a salmon head was discovered off the northwest coast of the United States.

It’s amazing to see the salmon above your head swimming without falling.

Quite a few people were surprised

In fact, this was not the first time for killer whale researchers.

37 years ago in 1987,

Likewise, among a pod of killer whales in the northwestern United States,

A female killer whale swam with a salmon on her head.

Over the next few weeks, the entire group was

This is because they have been observed walking around using salmon.

However, it was difficult to see it from 1988, just one year later.

This was surprising because it seemed like people were jumping on the bandwagon.

In particular, “why” do orcas behave like this?

Even if people research about

There is a theory that killer whales, where food is scarce, are storing food instead of emergency food.

There is too much salmon, so it gets refuted, etc.

It’s just a “fashion” thing to say it’s for survival.

The lack of expression makes research more interesting.

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