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This is a statement issued immediately after the December 12 declaration of war on the people.


image text translation

National Doctrine Center Labor Union
2024.12.72. (neck)
Korea Teachers & Education Workers’ Union (KTU)
education reporter
Heeyoung Jeon
Headquarters Ujangsan-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul
5 Educational Hope University Assembly Center (07652)
http:llwww eduhope net Main phone number 02-2670-9300 Jeonseung 02-2670-9305
Kibaek Lee
02-2670-9437 010-4690-2670
E-mail: charnktu@hanmail net
The stance of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union on Un Seok-yeol’s ‘declaration of war against the nation’
The fact that a president like this was produced is itself a disgrace to public education in Korea.
I don’t know where I learned this habit. Teachers have never taught us to fight against the people.
Arrest and impeach Unseok-yeol as quickly as possible, even if only for one minute and one second, as he is performing the ‘dance of the sword’ against the people.
December 12, 2024
National Teachers and Education Workers Union

Among the Korean teachers’ unions, it was the only one to issue an emergency statement on December 4th.

On December 6, more than 15,000 teachers participated in the declaration, prepared to face disciplinary action.

Ten days have passed since the declaration of martial law, and the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union is still speaking out.

Coincidentally, scholar Jeon Woo-yong mentioned it on the Maebul Show.

In particular, the statement released today is becoming a hot topic on social media because each and every sentence is so gem-like^^

I wanted to spread the word.

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