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How to make Indian cola ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷ


image text translation

We work to remove foreign substances from the collected half bottles.
I do the work of washing bottles in the bathtub.
There’s a lot of cigarette smoke coming out of the bottles that the boys drink in the back.
It’s snow
Organize the washed bottles
Put a cola-flavored liquid of unknown ingredient into a washed bottle.
To achieve the carbonating effect of cola, carbonated liquid is injected.
Attach the stopper.
Please inspect to see if there are any defects. Still, I do everything I can
A box of soft drinks is not finished.
This is what a store looks like selling iron fittings and bottle caps for making Kolach.
How about making cola? It’s really easy?
If you go to India, avoid drinking cola if possible.
If you really want to eat it, eat the kolale shown on cam.
Also L

We also inspect defects.

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