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News Highkey] Cho Brad Seo-min “Korean democracy Wesson is
“It’s about damaging Korea-U.S. relations.”
Started 2024.12.12 Ogu 743
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mDEFKD D’s”7939
Noons Highly)
Minson Hardy News Hi)
Brad Seomin
Antech Eone’s
“It is an insult to the national industry and Korean democracy.”
*Photos have been recorded
‘12.3 Civil War’
What is the impact of the secondary relationship?
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I want it when
Kwon Soon-pyo’s News Highly (MEC Radio Standard F 95 gMhz / Weekday evenings 6:05-8:00 p.m.
U.S. Congressman Brad Seomin
First host > Korea’s declaration of emergency at a plenary session of the U.S. House of Representatives a few days ago was an insult to Korean democracy.
It is an insult to the world’s efforts to build democracy and the rule of law. Speeches such as these are condemned by a lawmaker.
Rep. Brad Seo-min, the most senior member of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, is known as an anti-Korean fanatic.
He is a member of the National Assembly who has worked hard to bring about peace on the Korean Peninsula by proposing peninsula peace bills. Let’s meet now.
Hello, how are you? A few days ago, in a speech at the US House of Representatives plenary session, I criticized Korea’s emergency declaration framework.
What kind of content did Ha Seok-jo give in his speech?
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Host > Former Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun, who induced a local war between South and North Korea a week before the declaration of martial law.
There are claims that the intention was to strike North Korea at the origin, but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff refused for two days.
What do you think of this move by the Korean military authorities?
Joe Brad Thuran > Well this is definitely something to look into: I don’t know if this attempt was actually made.
The U.S. military is dedicating tens of thousands of troops to DIZ, and these troops are ready to sacrifice themselves in the fight.
However, when there is no provocation from the communists, troops die due to a truce triggered by a camouflage operation.
[I know the United States doesn’t want it, but I’m not entirely sure if this statement is partially true or false.
I don’t know if it’s true. We need to investigate. The United States also has its own ability to collect information.
Even if an incident occurs due to the ROK Armed Forces attacking a location in South Korea, the U.S.
You will know on the surface that this is not an experience, but by making it public for two days, North Korea will not have carried out such an attack at the time.
0 This will definitely alert the people of South Korea and the United States. That doesn’t mean I’m the only one in North Korea for a day.
It doesn’t mean playing, but if Korea’s
Like a place is being attacked by a scoundrel.
Make it visible
If there is no attempt, the United States will not know the truth and it will be made public in two days.
no see
Representative Brad Sherman, senior member of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee
MBC Radio News High Kick Program
The interview was held on December 12th.