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100 hours of Yoon Seok-yeol’s civil war in the National Assembly Speaker’s Office


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[Special Feature] Unseok-yeol’s Civil War – 100 Hours in the Speaker’s Office
Entered 2024.12.11. 9.20pm
Original text of article
c) go
Meteorite’s civil war
3rd paragraph of the National Assembly
Emergency status declared for the first time in 45 years. For the first time in constitutional history, the president took office
civil war,
The National Assembly is the place that miraculously prevented the ‘12.3 emergency plan of meteorites’.
While citizens and National Assembly aides gathered at the National Assembly and confronted martial law forces, National Assembly members
Passed a motion to lift the ban. The National Assembly blocks the motion according to the constitution
The process of reprimanding President Un Seok-yeol, the ‘leader of the civil war’, begins.
The last bastion of democracy in Korea, the Speaker’s Office built at the forefront of the National Assembly.
From blocking the industrial revolution to voting on the impeachment of the president, we record the time when you couldn’t breathe.

This is a Newstapa article.  34 minute video.

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