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The power of garbage rebellion, budget agitation


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Representative Park Joo-min’s office
1 minute
The People Power Party should stop spreading false information. As the chairman of the welfare committee
I can’t stand it anymore, so I’m leaving a comment.
Today, at the plenary session, People Power Party lawmaker Park announced the budget for people with developmental disabilities.
They claimed that the Democratic Party cut it.
The National Assembly budget started with a budget plan that was significantly cut by the Un Seok-yeol government.
all. The Un Seok-yeol government is targeting people with disabilities and social welfare to make up for the tax revenue gap.
Well, the budget has been reduced cruelly. Even worse, diapers and dispensing for low-income people
The infant formula support fee is also reduced.
Among them, the budget for the developmentally disabled is already very shabby.
It comes to this National Assembly.
Parents of people with developmental disabilities protest against the government’s budget allocation, which is too insufficient.
Others started a sit-in protest and demanded an end to the National Assembly, shaving their heads and
You have continued to do this.
Therefore, the Welfare Committee had intense discussions with the Minister and Vice Ministers of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
4 KRW 71.7 billion for self-reliance support project for the disabled, KRW 37 billion for weekly activity service
4Benefits reduced by the Un Seok-yeol government, including 5.8 billion won for self-directed benefit jobs
It was decided to revive the welfare budget and increase it by approximately 3 trillion won.
National Assembly discussions usually discuss budget review in the order of reduction > hold > increase.
However, we were unable to discuss the increase. As you know, the increase is
This is only possible with the consent of the department. However, the ruling party did not even discuss
Not there. In protest against the prosecution’s cut in special activity expenses and specific business expenses
This is because they will kick you and punish you for not discussing the increase.
Does the People Power Party have the right to raise its voice in the plenary session now?
The national edict says that the People Power Party will protect the leader of the civil war and fight for better results.
He is saying that he must pay the price for abetting the civil war. this
Such incitement of false facts must be declared an emergency alert for Un Seok-yeol.
This is no different from the actions of the reported insurgent conspirators.
As the chairman of the welfare committee, I am very disappointed that the reduced budget was passed.
I feel sorry for you. Budget that could not be increased through next year’s supplementary budget
I will definitely return it.

The opposition party has no authority to increase the budget

Nevertheless, the Democratic Party claims that it only increased the necessary budget and reduced the rest.

In fact, the Yoon Seok-yeol government is making things difficult for the common people with its garbage policy.

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