image text translation
Wo Can all gota bit hunon Mit has bceen hours slnce welast atc
Gul spaft
Nhought lor how hunory Anous Bartter must hie
becn ultei he ncnt 382 diyy nltliout cillnd
wv : ba
A man named Angus Barbieri is over 20Ok801 and not extremely obese.
This man tried fasting to diet, but he drank water, vitamins and minerals.
Consume only
The period of not eating any meals lasted 382 days.
However, there is no problem in maintaining life and ultimately
Successfully lost weight up to 8Ok8
The diet process was monitored by a doctor, and the doctor provided essential vitamins and minerals.
All prescribed.
Conclusion: Severely obese people need water, vitamins and minerals to survive.
at least
If only the elements of
Even if you don’t consume any calories, you burn more calories than the average person thinks.
It can survive for a long time.