image text translation
Beomgye Park
8 minutes
Currently in the National Assembly
Ak Jong-geun, former special operations commander, Kim Hyun-tae, head of the 707 Special Mission Group, and
Here it is:
We are following the public reporting process based on confession of conscience.
13. Anonymous Deogu 15.38image text translation
Accurate Withing: I made two phone calls to the President, and the third call was not answered twice.
The currency is the key, and it can prove a civil war. Ak Jong-geun, the official in charge of affairs, directly questioned the current issue.
I will speak in voice. Commander Ak Jong-geun did not carry out the second call order.
Ah, “The U-Hell incident can be prevented.”
116. Nameless Deogou = 13 virtues 15.41
What the prosecution did not state is the current status of those involved in this emergency order.
The officials are in agreement.
This is Commander Ak Jong-geun’s confession of conscience on this point.
Regarding the part that was not stated, Commander Hwang Jong-geun said when will this plan be activated?
I will testify as to what instructions I received.
Another one; There are concerns about North Korea’s products and concerns about the possibilities of the situation. important information
no see:
332. Nameless Deogou = 242 virtues 15.46
He said he will soon testify before the National Defense Commission! A lot of concerns
Special Forces Commander, 707th Group Commander under protection
National Defense Committee afternoon questions are scheduled for 5:00 PM.