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My friend’s family looks like Citron [32]
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Created 2023-03-07 14.15.25
Move 2023-03-07 15.56.45
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My friend was so crazy about fishing that he skipped his midterm exam just because he was going fishing when he was in high school.
It’s hereditary, and their father is just as much a fishing fanatic as him.
Their older sister doesn’t like fishing, but ironically, my friend’s brother-in-law is also a fishing fanatic.
So the two of us go fishing, and sometimes a friend joins us, so the three of us go together.
This guy’s dad is even on a fishing boat.
By the way, my brother-in-law told me that he was no longer a son-in-law and asked me to call him Mr.
frozen. My friend’s father and my friend are just friends
She got scolded for calling her sister-in-law or sister-in-law/sister-in-law.
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