image text translation
Hong Seong-su
1 hour
Law school atmosphere
Law is fundamentally a conservative discipline, and the same goes for legal academia. affection
Despite their political inclinations, most people are basically decent and cautious.
all. However, since Tuesday, I have seen the legal academic climate directly and indirectly.
It is so heated that political issues are not even mentioned.
Even the people in their eyes were worried and angry. Law professionals and legal experts also
Researchers, too, are basically conservative, but there are certain limits.
If you go beyond it, you will stick to your convictions based on professional judgment without any hesitation.
There is a tendency. Now is that time.
There’s an appeal for signatures going around right now, and it looks like I’ll be putting my name on the list for something like this.
You can also see the names of many people who don’t know the name. time; how much participation in persecution
I don’t know if they will, but if you give them enough time to get your signature, 909
I think I will sign the above.
Tendency to keep one’s convictions through professional ethical judgment
Everyone is ready to rise up