image text translation
Uhanftul @LKIGA I. 4 seconds
(HSUh’C Bureau+#;New Hdan Su*rERA#tuCayifUTtLtuy)-7Su-Department 3rd Judgment (7
+st Urutta.
Later release highest R0)7,t Er^hyang”61 ha Ilds (TE guard post.- Honge -2eisJt’2T
Near D
No, but
It was well received for its pro-Japanese stance.
What a coup. Korean people are more granular than Japanese people.
I think democracy is something that is important.
netstraimage text translation
@deep_yamagata . 13 minutes
HuchuldeuO)# Su_geu-jiryu T3i < {trChongcheonbuchuchuldeurikyo7ryu5non ZhituE
C#Studyt Gaebubhan*t583t85t’ B Week EE(aSanLtj473j7850t
Z Da R So t Expulsion from the earth j wo meaning (Tt: 5.
If you look at the Korean people who strongly protested after seeing the news of Korea’s ruling,
What will happen if this order is issued in Japan?
What action will the Japanese people take?
It becomes an indicator of the name of democracy.
3 minutes
@yamadorio6 Reply to Naemehje
NHKTO)-He-SuCJte6ct [4ajo)He
Later release [Chiha 0)
Even the NHK News cartoon ‘What comedy is this? this? It reminds me of linium.
I don’t feel the same way about news trends inside Korea.
uLh CKmarkll @marktt498850
3 minutes
4(:30320 -+HyunT#Hand#UtEo)t`
0 second business trip (harter-0) water jE training seulgyeol – one (23t one n2c (to3ti’
tU3zzfvo-l station-t017) (( ‘663568.
Is the Korean President’s case confirmed by Lim Cheong-nan’s speed?
I think this is something that both the Japanese National Assembly and the people should emulate.
On the contrary, from now on it will be a bigger problem.
‘Ninyo @ta_ninyo
9 minutes
#Hyunseup Nachojdoj UtEsum:#WatereFfla* < +52tsu~-t'2*u E*
cA*(Than5t’ ? Trummru(Gold##(Forfeit_+5)
B level
Nocheeg TU Jung-gu Tower
So Ultrawet oT
I think the National Assembly members and the public did a good job by breaking the term of office.
‘Is this possible in Ilbong? That’s very questionable.
‘Japan will no longer act in the name of a people’s country’
Isn’t it impossible to wake it up? I heard this thought, including in my own way.
73+- @endisnprotest . 1 hour
#Gold-Yeom TX# ShoreutO)ToxNon)-Juice-7##tUtRorock[Teui)Hongseut (E Sub)
PJ”T Tohwa
Hand 5
The president’s rampage and coup were abolished in just a few hours.
The Korean National Assembly and the people are truly amazing.
In addition, the non-violent ball played in front of the National Assembly building
@jwSbioxT3EBegGr . Geobun
SNS(i surname}name e*hu.o) ujum TWbu-tingeumsoon*;7UT(to
It’s too hot.
[Question t00) Stream 0)Reunt Labia Tu5^ ##SweatChatsu(# tT#aeUTUVjh-t##(T~*5.
All kinds of) Soup
#Hyunseup#Checholight# *Utlookjeung{j Yeol
CompucajU-tR(ctj Dt5E*om Sumguk(a8535135
In the Korean photo I posted on SNS, Hank is not driving on the street.
The Tiananmen Square era comes to mind, and if you look at the comments of local people, the issuance of a command order is
It seems like no one expected it, even in a sudden situation
Members of the National Assembly gathered at the National Assembly and voted to invalidate the decree.
I want to praise you.
What would Japanese politicians do?
@ikukkoo : {time
[BurEbdllctj Jtoonttet***]
9037Ji-Chungmun t
Form < 235
Korea is a big deal. “For Korea to become healthy,
It’s okay because it’s a process. Let’s watch for a moment.
4 hours
Posted4 K-POPttifKiOG3tti#lliertaltrlt*UYurs
Korea’s Day K-POP Sisters’ Activities
I think it increases if there are no restrictions.